Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How'd we do?

It was a delicious week, and we definitely ate well! Here's the dish roundup:

Asparagus & Green Garlic- A spring-inspired strata recipe. Out of this world!

Mixed Chard - A tasty, though possibly culturally confused, tortilla lasagna.

Red Russian Kale - In heaven, the lawns won't be grass - they will be kale. I just love this stuff. Seriously. We had it atop sweet potatoes and ricotta for a healthy twist on baked potatoes (Martha + kale = love at first bite).

Salad Mix & Red Round Radishes - Yum, salad! We ate it alongside the strata, topped with various goodies (cheese, carrots, bell pepper, onions, cranberries), plus a smattering of radishes.

Braising Mix - Ohhh this one was a keeper. In line with my obsession with food on toast, I made a lip-smacking take on beans and greens. I tossed in some of the green garlic for good measure, and to ward off baby vampires (it's not strong enough to keep the big daddies at bay, but none of the offspring will be chomping down on my in my sleep!).

Winter Savory - Erm. I'm pretty sure that there was some kind of mix-up. Here's what the Internet told me to expect. Here's what I got. I'm no scientist, but those just can't be the same plant ... so, I didn't do anything with what I got. Oh well!

GOLD STAR of the week goes to .... beans and greens on toast! If you make just one of these recipes, make it that one.

Great week, here's to another week of fine food and great company ... oh, and if you are wondering, there was no Amazing Race this week. It was on hiatus for a week so that the Country Music Awards could air. I am thankful that AR is back this weekend ... I've already got a plan, and it's a classic.

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